Saturday, October 07, 2006

Angels or Reflections? Its all a bit deep for me...

OK, can someone, somewhere give me an answer to this one? I once knew a woman who was convinced that those strange, spherical objects you sometimes get in your photographs are actually angels (or ghosts or spirits, whatever name you would like to attach to ethereal beings). She was so convinced that she tried to persuade me of the same notion.

I am, I find, a bit of a spiritual waverer. However, in her defence (I feel obliged as she's not actually here), I must say that these spheres or faintly orbs do have a nasty habit of appearing in my photos when I least expect them. I've tried seeing if there's a mirror in the room or a way of the flash being reflected which could explain it. But, I have to say that I am, in a Long-John Silver kind of a way, well and truly stumped.

Last night, the full moon was an absolute stormer. Our village has no streetlights and is 12 miles away from the nearest small town so light pollution is very low. Although I know my digital camera really is no great shakes for a moon shot, I just had to have a go. I leant out of the bedroom window for this one - hubby hanging on to left foot just in case.....

As you can see, the angels outside were having a party - and everyone was invited.

Bizarrely enough, the next shot, taken only a couple of seconds later from the same place, resulted in - yes, the angels having left due to being caught unawares (or maybe I just didn't bring enough bottles.....).

For those more curious, the strange lines are telephone wires which the village elders and worthies are attempting to get buried underground.

I suppose it would improve my bedroom shots. (Can you say that in a blog?). Although hubby may get fed up of hanging on to my feet. (Now this really is getting bizarre....).

If there is anyone out there who a) has had the patience to read this, and b) has some kind of explanation, I'd really like to hear from you.

All comments and stories of angels gratefully received. Oh, and if you are that woman - I didn't doubt you for a second.



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